Monday 28 March 2011

Kai We Care

One of our owners, Adam Gray, will be taking part in a fantastic event next week. Kai We Care will be taking place on Monday, 4th April, in order to raise money for the residents of Christchurch in New Zealand following the earthquake there in February.

A 'pop-up' restaurant in the elegant rooms of One Moorgate Place, London, will be serving a nine-course dinner to around 200 guests. Each course will be designed and cooked by different topchefs, including 5 with Michelin stars. Adam is responsible for the truffle course and you can see the full menu HERE. Adam will be ably assisted by our very own Anthony Horn.

Tickets to the event cost £150 per person (including wine) and can be obtained through the website. The event will also feature an auction with lots including signed cookbooks, meals at prestigious restaurants and cookery lessons.

The event was originally envisaged as a 'supper-club' for around 30 people by creators Dave Ahern and Mat Follas. Mat commented that "the outpouring of support for my homeland of New Zealand is humbling and I am extremely proud in being able to give something back to them." 'Kai' is Maori for 'food' and the name puns on 'Kiwi Care'.

Monday 21 March 2011

Yorkshire Pudding Competition

Yesterday the chefs decided to compete to see who could make the best Yorkshire pudding. So, they all mixed their batter and put what they hoped would become beautiful Yorkies into the oven. The air was heavy with tension as we waited for them to rise (or not), compounded by a ban on looking at the results until the allotted time was up. You can see what happened below, let us know which you think is the best.

L-R: Jonny's, Nick's, Joe's and Anthony's efforts.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Pigeon and wild mushroom terrine a hit

Yesterday we had 48 Althorp pigeons delivered and the chefs took advantage of the lovely weather to pluck them outside. After that they were carved up and made into a terrine with wild mushrooms. We tried the result this morning and it was delicious. The pigeon has a very distinctive flavour which is perfect with the mushrooms.

It went on the blackboard at lunchtime, served with a bacon and toasted walnut salad, and was a massive hit with the customers.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Green Eggs and Ham

Today is the birthday of children's author Dr. Seuss, who wrote The Cat in the Hat and advocated Green Eggs and Ham. Yum. Were he alive he would be 104 years old today. Here at the Red Lion, we don't have green eggs and ham but we do have a delicious bacon chop with bubble & squeak and apple gravy.